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How Phil Saved His Daughter’s Life in a Heartbeat

On an ordinary afternoon, after a day at work Phil went home, as per his usual routine. However, when he walked into the house, he was faced with a scene that would challenge his nerves and quick thinking like never before.  

As soon as he stepped through the door, he heard daughter Annabelle collapse right in front of him. “I arrived there right at 5 o'clock, and suddenly I heard a bang behind me. She walked out of her bedroom and walked up behind me and collapsed to the ground.” – Phil explained. 

Her condition worsened in seconds: she had no pulse, and her skin turned a scary shade of blue. It was a critical moment. Without wasting a second, Phil jumped into action, driven by a mix of instinct and training. Understanding the seriousness of the situation, he told her carer to call 000 for emergency help and immediately started CPR. 

For 22 intense minutes, Phil did chest compressions and rescue breaths, staying focused the whole time. It wasn’t just about skill; it was about absolute determination in keeping his daughter alive. Every second felt like forever, but Phil knew his actions were Annabelle’s best shot at survival. 

When the ambulance arrived, the paramedics took over and used a defibrillator to get Annabelle’s heart beating again. Their quick response was crucial, but it was Phil’s timely and effective CPR that kept her alive long enough for them to help. “They said afterwards if my compressions weren’t as hard as they were, the oxygen wouldn’t have been circulating enough.” – remembers Phil. 

She spent three days in the ICU and more time recovering in the hospital. Amazingly, she came out of it with no brain injuries. The medical team couldn’t praise Phil enough, saying his quick CPR was key in preventing a tragedy. “When you try to reflect on all the steps that you took, I was worried that I didn’t give her enough breaths, because you are taught to give more breaths, but I am glad that information stuck with me.” – reflects Phil. 

Phil’s story shows just how important it is to know CPR. In emergencies, every second counts, and the difference between life and death can come down to immediate, effective action. Phil’s brave efforts not only saved his daughter’s life but also highlighted how crucial CPR is in emergencies. “It’s almost like a stressful situation, but in the moment, you don’t really think about that. You just continue to do what you have to do, and you never want to see your own flesh and blood to go through this. And having my daughter actually die in my hands, is something you don’t want to wish upon anyone.” – concludes Phil. 

Phil was one of the 7 St John Ambulance First Aid Champions 2024 and proudly accepted his trophy during an emotional ceremony at the State Library last month

Reflecting on Phil’s experience reminds us of the huge impact timely intervention can have. It’s a powerful reminder to the life-saving potential of CPR and the importance of being ready to act when every second matters. 

Phil and St John Ambulance Victoria chair, Mark Engel

Watch Phil’s interview below: